





ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸





ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸

What should I do my next deep dive dig on? Looking for suggestions.

Morning News Update Aaron Rodgers seems like a straight up anon Tik tok in danger of being banned. Let's see if someone buys it. Excellent point by Biden True Correct He is soft and a baby. We must mock them more. Everyone please considering giving Nevs a follow she's fantastic What a smart bird! They are all gay murderers apparently Thats ghey Dig: Consider supporting and following me here: Substack, My Pillow Code PLM, Rumble, Truth Social, Gab, Follow me on X

We need to be questioning the Columbine shooting and how big of a role big pharma plays in mass shootings. The hero who exposed the Franklin Cover Up Scandal, John DeCamp, opened up a lawsuit claiming that the drugs the shooters were on causes suicidal ideation and caused egregious actions. What impeccable timing because RFJ JR is now asking this same question right after I finished the Franklin Scandal thread. Are the SSRI's partly responsible for the mass shooting epidemic amongst our younger generation? DeCamp subsequently had two federal officers show up and take copies of depositions. I'm sure it was nothing. "My lawsuit claimed then that one of the major effects of this particular drug causes teenagers to be suicidal. I had two federal officers show up in my office to take copies of certain depositions I had taken... My claim that these drugs cause a certain amount of children to be very suicidal. Study the whole picture of what actually happened there in Columbine. What is most interesting, once the lawsuit was dismissed. What has happened since then? The federal government and the drug companies have all reached agreements that on these particular drugs now, these antidepressant drugs they have to put all these notices. That's the first big notice on the drug about how they cause suicide in children. I have no doubt that some day, this is my opinion, the drugs were major major factor in this boy committing suicide and executing his own buddy in (Columbine shooting). You just had to see all these basement tapes they made to know the whole story. And you'd have no doubt that those are the things they won't release or let the public have. I don't know how much has been destroyed now." "Labels that say known to cause suicidal and homicidal behavior. We are the only country that has this level, 240 million doses a year. After Columbine, it started happening." H/T @vigilantfox X


Morning Patriots. What's habbening.

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bot check

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In my estimation, DeCamp is a hero. He should have a statue put up in honor of his memory. Yet, instead, our society honors those who do the bidding of the very establishment that does these horrendous and vile acts toward children. The more we wake people up to what has been going on in Mystery Babylon, the less power the “media spell” has on the people. This, in turn, will get us pointed in the right direction and begin to honor the real heroes of our society. Those who protect children and who put their lives on the line to do so. DeCamp was one of those heroes. The heroes of this story are those who refused to back down when the pressure mounted and told the truth to the detriment of their comfort and, to some, their lives. Ask yourself the question: What would do if you knew the pedophiles were in charge of every facet of society required to bring about justice and if you pushed too hard, you know they can have your plane crash, have you commit suicide. They had a myriad of ways to silence their opposition. Only the strong survive when it comes to government corruption. The fact that the truth has reared its head as much as it has over the course of the last decade is nothing short of a miracle. Light that shines on darkness is the real start to change and one person who moved the needle for this cause was a man named John DeCamp and the victim witnesses that came forward. You've heard of Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein but you may not know of the Franklin Scandal and that's because it was a cover-up with a trail of dead bodies in its wake. How many other blackmail operations are there in the world when they work so hard to cover up even the ones we now know about? All of us must remain diligent, awaken those who can hear these truths, and continue to push the Overton window open as far as we possibly can. Because these red pills are potent indeed. They have the power to change your entire perspective and to hopefully change the world for the better. In the end, Light overcomes darkness. Substack

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Rusty Nelson: Photographer Witness From what we know about Rusty Nelson, it does not look good. According to his testimony, he had photographs and proof that would have been damning to the Larry King FED operation. This would not do so they confiscated all that they could find by raiding the location of the photos and leaving the place completely ransacked. According to Rusty, they found a way to get him in jail where they tortured him psychologically and got him addicted to certain drugs and pills. Now remember, this is from his own personal experience. You need to make up your mind about whether he's telling the truth or not but I can tell you this: The entire thing stinks to high hell. DeCamp attempted to obtain these photographs but to no avail. They fought DeCamp tooth and nail at every turn, stopping short of eliminating him from the picture like they "allegedly" did with Gary Caradori. Rusty also talked about going to the Bohemian Grove where he witnessed occult rituals and heinous deeds being performed. He alleged that there was nowhere he knew to go to blow the whistle considering he saw that the feds, police, and the elites were all in on it. Where do you turn for justice when the criminals control the very levers of power? Rusty Nelson, a photographer involved in the Franklin Scandal, had his photographs raided by the FEDs. Claimed he was drugged, abused, and had hidden copies of damning evidence as life insurance: "There was blackmail. They basically had a honeypot scheme where they would get people in political power to engage in sex with men or underage kids. Either they would be videotaping it secretly or somehow recording it. There were pictures of Franklin in there. John DeCamp was the only person on my side..." Substack

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Furthermore, Larry King himself had ties to the CIA. A victim claimed that George Bush Senior was actually at one of King’s parties. Bush himself, king of the CIA, is often said to have had his hands in the JFK assassination as he was promoted through the ranks quickly after JFK became a martyr for world peace. Vietnam itself was a CIA-run operation. If you read my JFK substack, you would understand that JFK was stopping this war from happening and not even a week after his death, the Vietnam shit show would be greenlit. Bonacci’s testimony: America's Most Wanted worked hand in hand with the FBI on many cases but when they themselves began to uncover the rabbit hole that was the Paul Bonnaci testimony: Guess what the FBI told them? That they should not go any further. What? Why? Why were they not interested in protecting the children at any cost? In total, there were around 19 dead that could be connected to Franklin Scandal. They silenced anyone who posed a threat and arrested the victims or “allegedly” killed those who might speak out. This is akin to the amount of “people who suddenly” died who knew anything about the JFK assassination. “By the time everything was said and done. 19 people were dead who were affiliated with this case.” Substack

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A respected psychologist told the court that Paul was a victim of severe sexual abuse and had a split personality. For those who research the kind of rabbit holes we delve into around here, MK Ultra experiments with this exact phenomenon. They use sexual abuse to split the child’s personality in order to make a subservient victim. I’ll warn you that Paul’s testimony in regard to the trafficking ring being run by Larry King is perhaps the most heinous thing you’ve ever heard. Sometimes this kind of evil is important to look at just to get that kind of wake-up call. I posted his horrific testimony here: Gab Link Bonacci was so credible that he won the civil action lawsuit he levied against King. Court Document Summed it up succinctly: “On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment. Three weeks later, on Feb. 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King, who is currently in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to Bonacci, in what Bonacci’s attorney John DeCamp said was a clear signal that “the evidence presented was credible.” Substack

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These claims seem outlandish at first glance but let me remind you that the British Spy, Aleister Crowley, was openly using satanic rituals, the eating of blood and feces, human sacrifice, and occult rituals in his experiments. He literally worshipped Egyptian gods and practiced "Magic" and it's not some kind of conspiracy theory. Crowley openly wrote that child blood was the most powerful and sex gave him the most power in his rituals. He himself is a red pill worthy of writing an entire dig on. It's so dark, the rabbit hole, that you have to rub your eyes when reading about him. DeCamp believed that King was actually deeply embedded within the CIA once he began to follow the money. An excerpt from his book: “Former political associates of King, sources on Capitol Hill, and intelligence specialists suggest that Larry King was one of dozens of owners and directors of savings and loans and other financial institutions, used by the CIA to help finance covert operations.” (page 172) Think about what we know about Jeffrey Epstein and the occult influences and ask yourself how far-fetched is it that our own government had Satanic influences pulling strings behind the scenes. I personally find Bonacci's testimony to be compelling and believe he was earnest. His testimony on what these people were doing to children is so heinous, that it may have been the worst thing I’ve ever read. I hesitate to post it anywhere. Substack

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Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸 Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  👇 👇👇

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An intoxicated Nancy Pelosi is on CNN praising Mike Johnson's tremendous courage for not falling for Russian Propaganda. The fact that she is praising what Mike Johnson is doing tells you everything you need to know. She says that two leaders respected on both sides have said that Russian propaganda has infiltrated Republicans. Where she is completely wrong is that neither leaders are respected. In fact, I respect very few people in politics and my respect is only waning by the minute. Maybe that was the plan all along. To expose the Uniparty in full view for all to see. Because that is definitely happening now in spades.

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Oh he went there and connected Michelle Obama to the Brigitte Macron story. Lmao. "She met him when he was 15 years old. Demand a DNA blood test...This is suspect. Do you guys know who Martin Nesbitt is? A longtime friend of President Barack Obama. The chairman of the Obama foundation. You know what's crazy? He looks exactly like Barack and Michelle Obama's older daughter. She just recently dropped her last name... Now (Nesbitt's) wife. She's a doctor, she's credited for delivering both of Obama's babies. And she looks exactly like their youngest child, Sasha. All I'm saying, it's worth an explanation. You think these people would distance themselves from this couple. It's just weird. Doesn't look anything like Michelle. There's no photos of Michelle Obama pregnant. That's very fishy. The story about Obama in college. He wrote to his ex girlfriend where he said and I quote: I make love to men in my mind, in my imagination on a daily basis. Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair.. His testimony said that Barack and him were running around Chicago back in the day doing crack cocaine in the back of a limo and making stops at the Comfort Inn to have sex and Sinclair passed the lie detector test and he signed an affidavit. It's just very weird that all these things are happening. Going back to Brigitte. Man, woman, whatever the case is.. There is so many secrets. All you have to do to shut everybody up and take a DNA test." Why has no one ever seen a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant? X

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Morning Patriots. What's habbening.

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What are you thankful for today frens

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Whoa. Jim Breuer says that his old friend Dave Chapelle went to him in private and told him about how an elite group of people came to him and sat him down to "correct him" and that was right before he suddenly vanished and went to Africa. He says he no longer communicated with him in the same way after he came back and wonders what really happened... Who visited him? I'd be curious to hear the names. "He came there and he was freaked out. He was visited. And when he told me who visited him. My heart stopped for a second. I'll never forget. He went, you believe me right? They came to me..He said the names.. I said what happened? And then all of a sudden he went to Africa... But I know for a fact that he was corrected. Hey, we need to have a conversation. When I saw him come back... It was a lot less communication. And maybe he just grows, whatever. Maybe I'm crazy for saying this. When I saw him completely come back I really questioned if that was him. I know that's crazy..."

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Mike Johnson wants to give 300 million dollars to the money laundering nazi Ukraine regime and he just went onto CNN to tell them how we've got to stop Putin. I suspect this guy will get the McCarthy treatment after this stunt. Anyone opposed to his removal at this point?

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Come up with a title for Bill Clinton's memoir. Wrong answers encouraged.

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Bill Clinton is coming out with a memoir on his life. Will his life story written down on page include the fact that he regularly attended an occult child trafficking island, his best friend, Jeffrey Epstein, visited his White House over 17 times, or that his wife is a literal serial killer who has had countless associates "accidently commit suicide?" A trail of blood seldom seen over the course of multiple decades that would make Jeffrey Dahmer blush. I'm guessing his memoir is going to keep those parts out. X

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Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸 Post your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  👇 👇👇

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Morning News Update Telegram rocks. I'm glad to see the CEO refused to sell out Shadow President meets with foreign leaders Jimmy Kimmel = stupid Nice Potato Kek Wholesome When they tell you what they really think Walks exactly like Biden Consider supporting and following me here: Substack, My Pillow Code PLM, Rumble, Truth Social, Gab, Follow me on X

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Morning Patriots. What's habbening.

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How many years have you been serving in the truther/meme war?

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These shills accidently just affirmed all the incredible things that "Qanon" did here.... "It just seems like it's gone...The ideas of Qanon have just bled into mainstream standard conservative thinking." All of the seeds had been planted and many of these truths have taken over mainstream thinking. Go look at Instagram comments or the red pill corner of Tik Tok and you'll see that millions of people have become free thinking "conspiracy theorists" and that has transpired, in large part, due to all the work that unnamed unknown anons have done over the last decade. That's called winning. Q doesn't even necessarily need to post again, although that would be awesome if he did. The "Damage" is done. The Overton Window cannot be shut again.

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Jim Breuer reminisces with Roseanne about when Trump walked into the lion's den and claimed that Clinton "took" several villages in Haiti right in front of the Washington elite's faces. Clinton plundered Haiti under the guise of "humanitarian aid." Soon Trump would be framed for treason via the Russia Gate scandal, I wonder why? "Trump and HIllary. When they just finished their first debate. They were roasting one another. And Trump said something like, It takes a village and she would know cause she took several in Haiti. The whole f****** room. You saw the seething. You saw Schumer go *makes snake noise.* We must seize him. He's been a mole. He's a Johnny Brasco. This mother fu****. Seize him!" X This has to be one of Trump's all time most courageous moments, don't you think?

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Anyone want a wholesome doggo pet fren thread I could use some uplifting lol. \nPost some frens in chats if you\'d like.


I just spent too much time creating this compilation for red pilling.\nHollywood celebrity men who\'ve participated in the humiliation ritual of wearing a dress to please the higher ups:\nJohn Cena\nJimmy Fallon\nKevin Hart\nTom Hanks\nP Diddy\nWill Ferrell \nJared Leto\nPete Davidson\nMichael Strahan\nZac Efron \nKid Cudi\nKurt Cobain\nJaden Smith\nArsenio Hall\nDwayne "The Rock" Johnson\nDustin Hoffman\nTyler Perry\nDavid Bowie\nA Compilation\n\nIf Katt Williams was incorrect in his assessment then why does Hollywood continue to normalize this behavior at such an egregious rate? \n\n\nWho is pulling their strings?\n\nThere are many more men that have participated in this over the years. \nThis is just a sample of the humiliation.\nWho am I missing?\nHopefully, everyone can use this as a conversation starter. Let’s keep pushing the Overton window open. Truth is breaking forth.\nRumble\nRetweet\nSubstack


Boeing whistleblower dies from self inflicted gunshot wound. \nWhere have we seen this playbook enacted before?\nAnons have witnessed this happen 1700 times at least. It\'s par for the course at this point. \nAnyone know where Hillary Clinton was that night?\n


So Adam Schiff is now just admitting the quiet part out loud. \nHe just straight up told us that the intelligence agencies committ treason and is encouraging them to do so in the next administration. \nThis is how blatant they\'ve all become. \nWe are headed for a wild ending here as the rhetoric continues to ramp up.


Trump is now saying that Tik Tok has problems but that it gives competition to Facebook which is the true enemy of the people along with the media. \n\n"But the thing I don\'t like is that without Tik Tok you\'re going to make Facebook bigger. I consider Facebook to be the enemy of the people along with the media. What Facebook did with lockboxes, with the 500 million dollar Zuckerbucks, I consider illegal."\n\nWe know Instagram and Facebook is not only the enemy of the people but of the children given their algorithms support predators. \n\n"You have that problem with Facebook. They get plenty of information and they\'ll do whatever China wants. When you look at highly sophisticated companies, they aren\'t so American. They deal in China. If China wants anything from them, they will give it. That\'s a national security risk also. If you ban Tik Tok, facebook will double. I think Facebook is very bad for our country, especially when it comes to elections."\n\nInteresting that he has seemed to reverse his tune on Tik Tok...\nDo you think Tik Tok should be banned in America?




Caption this\n\n


Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸\nPost your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  👇 👇👇\n(Will do a News Update tomorrow frens sorry)


I was told Katt Williams was a conspiracy theorist for telling us that Hollywood demands that men perform humiliation rituals in order to be part of the club and make their millions.\nBut here we have John Cena wearing a dress, getting naked in front of Epstein\'s client list, and embarrassing himself in front of the world to the applause of the elites.\nThey are making the red pilling too easy for us.\n\n


Could use a little prayer frens. Trying to shake a sickness! Sore throat and such. Wanted to hang with the frens more but feel like crap.


I see that Trump is living so rent free in Jimmy "I swear I didn\'t go to Epstein Island" Kimmel that he\'s now reading his truths in front of many of Epstein\'s clients in an attempt to make himself feel better. \nOh Jimmy.\nWhy is Jimmy so afraid of Trump? \nThere\'s only real answer and anons know. \n\n\n


Wholesome Sunday Thread.\nConsider Writing a Bible verse, prayer or encouraging word on your heart in chat.


Daily morale boost thread for frens. 🐸\nPost your best keks, memes, positive news stories for people to read in the comments below.  👇 👇👇


Morning News Update\n\nTrump coming in like a Rockstar is always nice to see. The media says the people hate him but the footage doesn\'t lie. \n\n\n\n\nBut what about requiring voter id?\n\n\nBidens rally vs Trump\n\n\nPompeo wants to serve under Trump again\n\n\nPeace is the prize \n\n\nKeshel\'s voting breakdown\n\n\nWe\'re coming \n\n\nWut\n\n\nShe\'s a satanist\n\n\nPuppies\n\n\nShout out And We Know. Appreciate you bro. \n\n\nConsider supporting and following me here:\\nSubstack, My Pillow Code PLM, Rumble, Truth Social, Gab, Follow me on X


Morning Patriots. What\'s habbening.


What\'s everyone up to on this fine Saturday evening


A common misconception normie talking point is that there was no basement at Comet Ping Pong. This is literally false as Alefantis himself said he stored product in his basement.\nThis was a cover up of insane proportions. \nWould anyone be interested in a thread on this subject?\n\nSauce:\n\n


Megyn Kelly was a critical part of covering up pizzagate and now Trump says she is making a career out of pretending to like him. \nMake no mistake. \nTrump knows who these people really are.\n


The year is 2025. \nTrump has been re elected. \nDe Niro\'s greatest fear has manifested.


Do people actually think Trump is going to come out and say that the vaccines are bad? He will likely go with this secret to the grave and can you blame him?\nThe people that visit my channel understand that Trump stopped the Great Reset and he did so by forcing them to push their plan into hyper speed. They wanted long term lockdowns. Trump knew the economy would implode if this occurred. Millions would have died in chaos. Trump made a very impossible decision to create his own vaccine, forcing the competition to put their own out before the pre established timeline. This caused their plan to fail.\nWe avoided total collapse and the world awakened in massive ways. But I totally understand why people are going to feel offended by what he says. I don\'t blame you at all. But to react to only surface level events is a low checkers way of thinking. Anons think in 5d chess. If anyone knows that not everything is as it seems. It\'s us. \nMy heart truly goes out to all those damaged by the vaccine but the alternatives, in my opinion, were vastly worse. \nWe dodged a thousand bullets and America still stands today because of Trump. \nBut what do you think?

Not only this, but the FBI refused to interview him even when he confessed to kidnapping Johnny Gosch, a child abducted in an infamous case. Johnny Gosch's mother is convinced that the case is connected the Nebraska Ring. Bonacci described the exact details of her son and claims that he was the one who kidnapped him for his handlers on that fateful day. What is especially notable is that Paul remembers the exact details of the kidnapping. He knew the exact spot where Johnny was kidnapped. Bonacci was able to identify a unique scar that was on Johnny’s tongue, a burn scar on his lower leg, and a stammer he had when upset. Johnny’s mother was absolutely convinced that he was a great lead, but the police refused to follow through. What adds to his credibility as a witness is that he told reporters about an abandoned secret underground chamber where children were kept in Texas that people knew nothing of and described exact details before going. As he claimed, it was there and the engravings of children’s cries for help were etched into walls. He wept on camera as he stood outside of that place of torture. Not only this but he knew he told the America’s Most Wanted crew that there was a specific brand they gave to children that people had not heard of in the masses. Once the show had aired, anonymous kids came forward and confirmed that the brand was real. Paul Bonacci literally confessed to kidnapping Johnny Gosch but the cops never asked him for an interview. They did not follow up on this lead in any way. Why? Substack

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Biden put this action out after Angelo Chao news. Related? 🤔\n\n“New vulnerabilities and threats could arise with connected autos if a foreign government gained access to these vehicles’ systems or data. \n\nConnected vehicles collect large amounts of sensitive data on their drivers and passengers; regularly use their cameras and sensors to record detailed information on U.S. infrastructure; interact directly with critical infrastructure; and can be piloted or disabled remotely.”




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